EnigmA Amiga Run 1998 January
EnigmA AMIGA RUN 24 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1998-01 & 02].iso
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Text File
297 lines
; Beyond The Dark 1.10 - Install Script
; (c) 1995 by Matthias Scheler <tron@lyssa.owl.de>
(set ProductName "Beyond The Dark")
(set ProductVers "1.10")
(set MUIName "muimaster.library")
(set MUIVersion 8)
(set MUIRelease "2.1")
(set BTDDrawer "BeyondTheDark" )
(if (= @language "english")
(set #install "Installing ")
(set #wrong_os
"Looks like you are running WB 1.3. If this is true, "
"please consider to update to WB 2.04 or newer real soon. "
"\"\%s\" does not work with WB 1.3 and below."
(set #wrong_mui
ProductName " needs at least " MUIName " version " MUIVersion
" (Release " MUIRelease "). You seem to have installed version %ld.\n\n"
"Of course you can continue the installation, but don't forget to "
"update MUI later."
(set #no_mui
"You don't seem to have MUI installed on your system. Without MUI Release "
MUIRelease " or newer you won't be able to run the preferences "
"program.\n\nIf you don't like MUI we are willing to offer you support "
"to write a preferences program that does not require MUI.\n\n"
"Of course you can continue the installation, but don't forget to "
"install MUI later."
(set #selectplace
"Please select a place for %s. "
"A directory \"%s\" will be created there."
(set #selectplacehelp
"About 200KB is required for " ProductName ". "
"All files will be copied into a single directory."
(set #commodity "the Commodity" )
(set #prefs "the Preferences Program")
(set #catalogs "the Catalog files")
(set #modules "the Blanker modules")
(set #startup
"To be able to use %s the file \"S:User-Startup\" must be modified. "
"The following commands will be added:\n\n%s"
(set #docchoice "Which documentation do you want to install?")
(set #docchoice1 "English")
(set #docchoice2 "German")
(set #docdefault 0)
(set #documentation "the Documentation")
(if (= @language "deutsch")
(set #install "Installiere ")
(set #wrong_os
"Sie benutzen vermutlich WB 1.3. Wenn das zutrifft, sollten "
"Sie möglichst bald ein Update auf WB 2.04 oder neuer durchführen. "
"\"\%s\" funktioniert nicht mit WB 1.3 oder älter."
(set #wrong_mui
ProductName " benötigt mindestens " MUIName " Version " MUIVersion
" (Release " MUIRelease "). Sie haben aber offensichtlich nur "
"Version %ld installiert.\n\nNatürlich können Sie mit der Installation "
"fortfahren, aber vergessen Sie nicht, später eine neuere Version "
"von MUI zu installieren."
(set #no_mui
"Sie haben scheinbar MUI nicht auf Ihrem System installiert. Ohne "
"MUI Release " MUIRelease " oder neuer können Sie den Voreinsteller "
"nicht benutzen.\n\n Wenn Sie MUI nicht mögen, werden wir Sie "
"gerne bei der Entwicklung eines Voreinsteller, der ohne MUI auskommt, "
"unterstützen.\n\nNatürlich können Sie mit der Installation "
"fortfahren, aber vergessen Sie nicht, später MUI zu installieren."
(set #selectplace
"Bitte wählen Sie einen Platz für %s aus. "
"Dort wird ein Verzeichnis \"%s\" angelegt."
(set #selectplacehelp
"Ungefähr 200KB werden für " ProductName " benötigt. "
"Alle Dateien werden in einem einzigen Verzeichnis abgelegt."
(set #commodity "das Commodity" )
(set #prefs "den Voreinsteller")
(set #catalogs "die Sprachdateien")
(set #modules "die Blanker-Module")
(set #startup
"Um %s benutzen zu können, muß die Datei \"S:User-Startup\" modifiziert "
"werden. Die folgenden Befehle werden hinzugefügt:\n\n%s"
(set #docchoice "Welche Anleitung wollen Sie installieren?")
(set #docchoice1 "Englisch")
(set #docchoice2 "Deutsch")
(set #docdefault 1)
(set #documentation "die Dokumentation")
(set OSVersion (/ (getversion) 65536))
(transcript #install ProductName " " ProductVers " ...")
(complete 0)
; Check OS version
(if (< OSVersion 37)
(abort (#wrong_os ProductName))
; Check for MUI
(if (exists (tackon "LIBS:" MUIName))
(set Version (/ (getversion (tackon "LIBS:" MUIName)) 65536))
(if (< Version MUIVersion)
(message (#wrong_mui Version))
(message #no_mui)
; Select place for our directory
(set BTDDir
(prompt (#selectplace ProductName BTDDrawer))
(help (#selectplacehelp ProductName ProductName) @askdir-help)
(default "Work:")
(complete 10)
; Create our directory
(if (NOT (exists BTDDir))
(run (cat "Assign BTD: \"" BTDDir "\""))
(complete 20)
; Commodity
(prompt #install #commodity "...")
(source "Binary")
(pattern "BTD-CX(%|.info)")
(help @copyfiles-help)
(dest BTDDir)
(complete 35)
; Preferences Program and the catalogs
(prompt #install #prefs "...")
(source "Binary")
(pattern "BTD(%|.info)")
(help @copyfiles-help)
(dest BTDDir)
(complete 45)
(prompt #install #catalogs "...")
(source "Binary/Catalogs")
(pattern "#?")
(help @copyfiles-help)
(dest (tackon BTDDir "Catalogs"))
(complete 50)
; Modules
(prompt #install #modules "...")
(source "Binary/Blankers")
(pattern "#?.btd")
(help @copyfiles-help)
(dest (tackon BTDDir "Blankers"))
(complete 70)
; User-Startup
(set Cmd (cat "Assign BTD: \"" BTDDir "\"\nRun >NIL: BTD:BTD-CX >NIL:"))
(prompt (#startup ProductName Cmd))
(help @startup-help)
(command Cmd)
(complete 90)
; Documentation
(set Documentation
(prompt #docchoice)
(help @askchoice-help)
(default #docdefault)
(if (= Documentation 0)
(set DocSourceDir "English")
(set DocSourceDir "Deutsch")
(prompt #install #documentation "...")
(source (tackon "Documentation" DocSourceDir))
(pattern "#?.guide(%|.info)")
(help @copyfiles-help)
(dest BTDDir)
(complete 100)